Afraid of Falling?

Physical Therapy Is Here To Catch You

Marion, 74, was terrified of falling. (Note that her name has been changed.) She’d heard the statistics: Falls are a leading cause of injury among people over 60 and the second leading cause of injury deaths worldwide. And although she’d always been active, she found her balance changing as she grew older, which only deepened her fears.

Like many people, Marion didn’t realize that the fear of falling can also be debilitating. That fear kept her close to home. She didn’t spend as much time with friends and family, and her lifestyle was much less active than it had been ten years earlier–which actually increased her fall risk!

But then Marion began seeing a physical therapist to help with her hip pain. When she shared her concerns about falling, he incorporated fall prevention strategies into her treatment plan, building Marion’s confidence enough that she returned to some of her favorite activities, like gardening and meeting with friends for a weekly coffee.

At OSR Physical Therapy, we know falls can be frightening. But we also know that fall prevention training can help you face your fears and give you the confidence to live an active, healthy lifestyle, even into old age. Ready to get started with your own fall prevention plan? Schedule an appointment with us today!

Understanding Your Fall Risk

Everyone’s fall risk is different. No single factor determines your likelihood of a fall; instead, it’s a complex blend of age, lifestyle choices, and health conditions. The more of these factors apply to you, the more likely you are to fall.

  • Advanced age (60 years or older)
  • Being female (women are more likely to suffer falls than men)
  • Joint pain, including from arthritis
  • Spells of dizziness or vertigo (a spinning sensation)
  • Decline in vision or hearing
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Impaired balance or gait
  • Weakness in the lower body
  • Use of medications that can cause dizziness or balance issues
  • Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s
  • Stroke survivor
  • A history of falls

If you think you might be at a high risk of falling, don’t get scared–give us a call! Our team of physical therapists can assess your fall risk and provide you with a customized fall prevention plan that can lower the likelihood of a fall-related injury.

Chair Yoga: A Fun, Gentle Approach to Balance and Fitness

You heard that Yoga is a great way to improve your balance–but when you went online to find resources, you discovered pages and pages of bendy athletes twisted into impossible positions. How could you possibly dream of getting started?

If this scenario rings true to you, don’t fear: Yoga is far more forgiving than social media would have you believe! In fact, there’s even a form of Yoga especially designed for people who struggle with balance and mobility: chair Yoga.

Chair Yoga moves through standard Yoga postures like cat/cow or warrior pose–but modified so that you can use a chair to retain your balance. It’s a great choice for older adults or anyone who wants to improve their balance in a safe, relaxing way.

Simple Chair Yoga Postures To Get You Started

  • Cat/Cow: Start sitting in a sturdy chair with your feet firmly planted on the floor, hip-width apart. With your hands on your knees, breathe deeply in and arch your back, looking up to the ceiling. As you exhale, round your spine and drop your chin to your chest. Let the movements flow into each and repeat 5 times each.
  • Chair Side Stretch: Again, sit in your chair with your feet hip-width apart. Inhale deeply as you lift your right hand overhead, then bend gently to your left. Feeling off-balance? Steady yourself by stretching your left arm across your lap to grip your right thigh or the right side of the chair. Repeat on the other side.
  • Chair Pigeon: Sit upright in your chair, feet firmly planted. Gently cross your left ankle over your right thigh, flexing your left foot to protect your knee. You should feel a stretch in your left glute. If this is enough, stay here! If you’d like a deeper stretch, keep your spine straight and slowly hinge forward, leaning your chest forward over your legs. Hold for three seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Discover More Chair Yoga with OSR Physical Therapy!

Want to explore more chair Yoga postures? Call us to schedule an appointment. We’ll ensure you’re performing the movements correctly and help you develop a regular chair Yoga practice!

No More Fear of Falling: Call Us Today!

A dedicated fall prevention plan from OSR Physical Therapy can give you the confidence to age healthfully, no matter your fall risk. Call us today to schedule an appointment for your initial consultation!

Grilled Eggplant with Feta


  • 1 large eggplant
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons dried oregano
  • 1 large garlic cloveor 2 small cloves, pressed or minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher saltplus more as needed
  • 2 ounces feta cheesecrumbled (about 1/3 cup)


  1. Preheat the grill to high.
  2. Trim the ends off of the eggplant and cut it crosswise into 12 1/2-inch thick slices. Season just the tops of the slices lightly with salt.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together the red wine vinegar, olive oil, dried oregano, garlic, and salt.
  4. Lay the eggplant slices on the grill with the salted side up. Grill, uncovered, for 5 minutes, then flip.
  5. Spoon or brush all of the garlic-herb mixture over the tops, sprinkle evenly with the feta, then cover the grill and continue grilling until the cheese is melted and the eggplant is tender, about 5 minutes more.
  6. Transfer the grilled eggplant to a serving platter and serve hot or warm.