

Have you ever woken up with a stiff neck, unable to turn it to one side or another? Does your child seem to have an abnormal head or neck position? This condition, called torticollis, is painful and can result in the permanent shortening of the muscles that are involved. Fortunately, physical therapy can not only relieve the associated head and neck pain, it can improve your range of motion and eliminate torticollis for good. Contact OSR Physical Therapy today to find out more or to schedule your consultation.

What Is Torticollis?

The word torticollis literally means “twisted neck”. There are typically two types of this condition – congenital, meaning present at birth, and acquired, meaning an incident or accident causes it. For some children, torticollis happens in the womb in the weeks before birth where the head and neck are positioned at an odd angle. Other children are born with the condition because of difficulties during delivery, a decreased blood supply to the neck muscles, muscular fibrosis, or congenital spine anomalies. Even if a child is born with healthy head and neck positioning, infants sometimes develop torticollis when they spend too much time laying on their back, sitting in car seats, swings, bouncers, strollers, or laying on play mats.

While the majority of people who experience torticollis are infants or children, anyone can experience neck pain and the limited range of motion associated with it. A muscle or nervous system injury can suddenly make it difficult to straighten your neck or position your head properly. This type of injury may be associated with car accidents, extended illnesses, or other trauma.

Typical Torticollis Treatment

For many adults, torticollis will resolve itself on its own within a few days. However, it is vital to seek treatment on behalf of infants or children who are experiencing this type of head or neck positioning. If left too long without intervention, children may experience permanent disability due to shortening neck muscles. One of the first treatments doctors recommend is stretching exercises designed to lengthen and strengthen the neck muscles holding the head in the incorrect position. 80 percent of all children respond well to this type of treatment plan and do not experience any lasting effects. If these non-invasive treatments do not work, doctors will recommend surgery to lengthen short muscles and return the child’s head to a normal position. Once completed, the child may need physical therapy to strengthen their neck muscles and prevent the problem from recurring.

How Physical Therapy Treats Torticollis


Physical therapy services go beyond post-surgical care. While they are vital to someone who has been through a surgical procedure, they are also designed to increase range of motion, decrease muscle tightness and strengthen gross and fine motor skills that are needed for proper neck and head positioning. Our Anthem, Phoenix, Glendale, Sun City, Scottsdale, Gilbert & Peoria, AZ physical therapist will first conduct an assessment to test your (or your child’s) range of motion and evaluate any other conditions that often accompany torticollis. These may include plagiocephaly (abnormal head shape), spine problems, or a misalignment of the hip joint (hip dysplasia). Once the evaluation is complete, the physical therapist will discuss their findings and a potential treatment plan.

Physical therapy may include performing stretching exercises both in the office and at home to increase your range of motion and strengthen your neck muscles. These may include passive stretches which you perform and hold as well as active stretches of the neck and shoulder muscles designed to strengthen muscles that are used to maintain good posture. Even in infants who do not seem to be strong enough to reliably hold their heads, these stretches and exercises can correct the problem quickly. In fact, early intervention for torticollis often provides the best results.

Find Relief Today With OSR Physical Therapy

If you or your child is experiencing painful, incorrect positioning of the head or neck, contact us today to schedule an evaluation. Our Anthem, Phoenix, Glendale, Sun City, Scottsdale, Gilbert & Peoria, AZ physical therapy staff can evaluate you or your little one and provide you with a customized treatment plan designed to treat your torticollis, leaving you pain-free and moving well.

Contact OSR Physical Therapy today to schedule an appointment.

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Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!